Not the worst movie ever, and the worst

2007-10-23 2 min read Eddie

I know the title isn’t English… but I’m a little out of it after what I just watched.

Not that I really need to say this, but between writing two blog posts, doing some XSLT exercises, playing with the cat, and a few other random things, I only ended up looking up at Snakes on a Plane about 15 or so times. I still thought it was terrible, but I think that I saw just the right amount to make it as bearable as possible.

For the record, I think I saw what I consider the worst movie ever the other night. Went to see Rob Zombie’s remake of Halloween, and I was really excited about it. I really like his music, and thought that he would do a great job with it. Not even close. I had so many problems with it that I’ve tried to block it out of memory. There was a point near the end where I felt… I felt almost claustrophobic, and wanted to get out. The only other time that has happened to me was when my parents took me to see Evita… and I found out that musical, and that they would never stop singing.

I would feel wrong if I made a statement like that without supporting it, so let me just point out that you see every single killing full-frame. No interesting camera angles, and nothing is left to the imagination. You simply see a killing machine going about his business without any real interest. I’ve seen Itchy and Scratchy episodes with more passion. But that’s all I am going to say… I refuse to keep going, as I won’t be able to stop.

Serves me right… everyone knows that Halloween begins and ends with Garfield’s Halloween Special (which I am saving for Halloween night itself!)