July 4

2008-07-04 2 min read Boston Django Python Red Sox Eddie

Photo by Vidiot. Click image for details.
Photo by Vidiot. Click image for details.
Happy July 4th! Now, with that out of the way…

My sister Tania was at the Nathan’s Hot Dog eating competition today. She was happy with the result, I was rooting for Kobayashi. Oh well. My roommate was rather disgusted by the whole thing. Me? I found myself REALLY wanting a hot dog.

Speaking of food… my roommate and I were flipping channels the other day and she insisted on stopping on the food network. They had a show on about local resturants known only to locals. The first part was on a place I’ve passed countless numbers of times, called Chaps Charcoal Resturant. It looked pretty good, and the prices are good, so I may have to visit soon.

Since I’m on a food kick at the moment, one more… this may also soon become my favorite thing. Gotta try it.


The Sox won, beating the Yankees today, but are still behind the Rays. If the Rays suffer injuries down the stretch, they’ll fall. However, that seems to be a big if. The Red Sox need to get a number of people back.

And more locally…

When I have some free moments, I’ve been working rebuilding gbyo.com in Django. The programming part isn’t particularly hard (despite not being familiar with Python… though, it’s not unlike other languages), and I kinda like the database API (It’s been a while, so I only barely remember ActiveRecord, but I seem to like this more). The thing I haven’t grasped yet is overall project structure. I’m working on that.

I’ve bought a number of books recently, and hope to start reading them soon. Right now, I am reading this, as the publishers were nice enough to send me a review copy. Review coming soon. Additionally, I want to post some more formal thoughts about Crockford’s Javascript book soon. (Note: yes, that first linked book cost me .48 cents, w/o shipping)

I’m trying to convince people to go on vacation with me. So far, I haven’t heard back from anyone. That will only stall me, it will not deter me.