
2007-11-16 1 min read Boston Flickr Personal Photos Eddie

Outside Fenway Park
Outside Fenway Park
Some part of me, deep down, will not let me post photos without cracking open Photoshop first. I don’t know why I feel so strongly about it, but my gut won’t let me avoid it. So of course, it’s ages before I feel alright showing anyone what I took.

Be that as it may, I’ve been focused the last 2 days, buring through many of them. I’ve got two sets down, with one remaining. I’ve posted the first two to my newly purchased flickr pro account (I ran over the 200 image limit, and want to continue to see the old ones.)

ashes of kings
ashes of kings

Check out my party/band shots, and my photos of Boston and ALCS game 2.

Minor design update

2007-09-01 1 min read Blog Design Eddie

So I tweaked the CSS and arrived at this. I kinda like it. It reminds me of a pair of eighties boating shorts, not quite sure why. It isn’t the most pleasing design, but that is intentional. Clean wasn’t the goal, I was aiming for something more… me. Well, enough me as CSS can produce. (I think I just said I’m like CSS boating shorts…weird) I’m a strong believer that all comps should be done in Photoshop, where you have a freedom that CSS doesn’t allow. Then you take the comp and cut it up using good CSS and HTML. I didn’t do any of that. This was just a tweak, and a tweak on a whim at that.

Anyway, I will try to start a more formal “design” soon, but not likely before I start moving.