Boring "I moved" post

2009-09-09 1 min read Personal Eddie

Summer was ending so I decided to move. Ok, not really, it was simply time.

I’ve moved back to my parent’s house in Laurel, MD… which is exceptionally close to Columbia, MD. I’ve moved into my parents house in an attempt to save some money, I want to clean it and restore it, while putting my would-be rent money into the property taxes here.

The move wasn’t difficult in and of itself, but tied with the work that needed (and still needs) to be done at the house, it has been quite an undertaking. I have so much to do it’s quite overwhelming.

All of that mess aside, I am looking forward to getting back to study.

Update to some random thoughts

2008-01-08 1 min read Uncategorized Eddie

1) I took a look at the book on Processing, and it does look quite nice. That being said, I’m not quite sure what I’d use it for. So it fell a bit on my list.

2) Letterman is still pretty much the same. I haven’t seen Leno. Jon Stewart, however, looked TOTALLY crazy last night. It was really quite scary.

3) Rob Coburn, you had better hang out with Raluca and I pretty darned soon….

4) Despite ordering the Python in a Nutshell book, I have semi-officially decided to put off learning Python for a bit. I think that I am going to re-focus my attentions on Scheme, and work my way through the Little Schemer, The Scheme Programming Language, and SICP. I’ve been through some of them, but haven’t gotten to the end of any of them.

5) The Giants won! Beat the Bucs, and are going to play the Cowboys next week. I hate the Cowboys, so this is going to be a big deal. I’ll probably try to watch it.

6) Steve, congrats on the potential new-old gig!


2007-08-15 1 min read Personal This Site Admin

So I got the domain, I got the hosting, and I have the blog. I just need a few hours (ha!) to design the site, and put the blog in it. Yea…

For the moment, I’ve decided to go with this theme… I like the yellow, and its fairly simple. Simple is good. I don’t like the long lines of text, but if you want something done right, gotta do it yourself.

More later!