Boring "I moved" post

2009-09-09 1 min read Personal Eddie

Summer was ending so I decided to move. Ok, not really, it was simply time.

I’ve moved back to my parent’s house in Laurel, MD… which is exceptionally close to Columbia, MD. I’ve moved into my parents house in an attempt to save some money, I want to clean it and restore it, while putting my would-be rent money into the property taxes here.

The move wasn’t difficult in and of itself, but tied with the work that needed (and still needs) to be done at the house, it has been quite an undertaking. I have so much to do it’s quite overwhelming.

All of that mess aside, I am looking forward to getting back to study.

catching up

This is my appropriately named “catching up” post. As most know, I’ve moved over the last month. Despite my early action, I still had to do a lot of work at the end of the month. C’est la vie, that’s what moving is. Aside that, I’ve also been focused on various work related things (css, xslt, and the “portal” system), as well as the end of baseball’s regular season and the beginning of the post season.

On my list of things to touch in full… 1) Advanced DOM Scripting. I finished the book (a while ago) but haven’t had a chance to review it yet. At the risk of ruining the surprise for my one (hopefully) reader, it was teriffic, and I highly recommend it. I will do a full write-up later. 2) My comments on The Little Schemer. This is simply an amazing book that’s opened up a number of paths in my brain. I’m afraid that any review wouldn’t do it justice. Maybe some thoughts on the book everyone should read. 3) Random thoughts on Bethesda, Kensington, Rockville (my new home!), riding my bike again, the Tchaikovsky concert coming up, my xslt class coming up, my recent css exploits… as you can see, I’ve got a lot of things that I am thinking about, but nothing to put down on paper… yet. (Yes, I know, really, there is no paper… shut up!)

Contrast that with the time that I MUST spend with friends, and the potential Boston trip coming up… and I’ve got a lot to do!! Better get started. Washing my clothes now…

95% done moving

2007-09-25 1 min read Personal Red Sox Eddie

I moved most of the large items this weekend. I still have a few odds and ends (less than one car-full) left at the house. One more trip, and then one trip to wash the carpets, and I should be fully vacated from the old location, and fully “in” the new. Of course, everything remains in boxes, and finding anything is near impossible (and dangerous if you’ve got to walk over things), but I’m workin’ on it.

I’m mostly just interested in getting back into a regular routine.

On the upside (and on a side-note), the Red Sox beat the A’s tonight, the Yankees lost, and Manny played his first game in the last 24 days. Papi hit a home run… hopefully the Sox are using these last few to secure the division, go for best record in the A.L., and win some “meaningful games” before the playoffs start. Get ready…

...all this traffic.

2007-09-01 1 min read Personal Admin

…all this traffic.

Originally uploaded by ed_welker

Getting away from all this traffic and signing the lease to my new place today. Woo hoo! Or at least I think woo hoo.

Not going to start moving in yet, because I have a month overlap to do that.

Slightly scared, however, that I am looking forward to going back there so I can re-evaluate the place in my mind… for size and things like that. Shouldn’t I know that beforehand? Oh well.

7pm… and counting.

I looked, I purchased

2007-08-28 1 min read Eddie

In a move totally unlike me, I agreed to rent a house today, and on first look. Just over a mile from work, multiple rooms (one of which I am going to have to rent), it looks like I am moving to Kensington, MD. Not the greatest place, but could I afford to look for something else? Especially time-wise? It was expensive… but not compared to other places in the area. $$$ flying everywhere.


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