Horror Movies, Final installment
The final installment… a little late.
- Amityville Horror – (The OLD one, not the new one.) I’d watched this before, but it was so much better than I remember it. In fact, I felt it was the scariest movie that I ended up watching. The scene at the beginning where the priest goes into the house was totally blood chilling.
- House of 1000 Corpses – I waited for years to see this movie, only to end up kinda disappointed. I figured Rob Zombie had to know what he was doing with a horror movie, but the plot was so off-the-wall that I couldn’t believe anything, resulting in my rather ambivalent feeling towards it. Too many characters killing too many other characters. The creepy clown was the only interesting/memorable character.
- The Devil’s Rejects – I also waited a number of years to see this movie, but was prevented under the reasoning that I had to see House of 1000 Corpses first. With that finally out of the way, I was now allowed, but I was wary… especially after the last film. For the Devil’s Rejects, Rob Zombie took the large number of characters and un-realistic plot from the first movie, and turned it on it’s head… keeping the cast numbers low and keeping the entire movie realistic. Zombie made the 3 bad guys out to be quasi-good guys, and the cop into a revenge obsessed bad guy. The result was a really good character study of some truly bizarre people. This movie wasn’t particularly scary, but it was quite good.
- Carrie – One of the best scary movies ever… my favorite part is at the end where Carrie’s hand… well, you know.
- The Exorcist – I LOVE this movie. I saved this pick until Halloween night. I love Max von Sydow, the early scenes in the desert, Father Damien, the fact that the movie is based on something that happened in a part of Maryland I frequent, that the movie’s steps are right down the street from where I used to work in Georgetown. My favorite.