Part programmer, cellist, biker, and photographer, I live in the suburbs of Maryland. Weee! I work at the NCBI at NIH, and pass the rest of the time reading, rooting for the Red Sox, and riding my bike.
I work in the… some group (the name keeps changing, and I’ve never gotten it straight) at the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. What do I do? Well, I mainly do web programming, and yes, I work on PubMed. A lot. My websites get about 3 million hits a day, and that makes me happy. I’ve previously worked in C++, Perl, Python, and Ruby. I am fascinated by graphic design, machine learning, typography, and math, what a combo. I’m a bookworm, and read all the books on these subjects (and more!) that I can get my hands on. I am also a programming language geek… I play with Scheme, Eiffel, Lisp, and other languages I can learn from.
My side projects are many, and most are never seen by eyes other than my own. I like to toy around Django, Python, Javascript, and Scheme.
I’ve played the cello since fourth grade, and am principal cellist of the Columbia Orchestra. I love music (of almost all genres) and enjoy to listen/play/read about music history. My favorite cellist has always been Mstislav Rostropovich, and I am especially fond of 20th-century Russian composers like Prokofiev, Shostakovich, and Miaskovsky. I used to be a member of the University of Maryland and Greater Baltimore Youth Orchestras.
I’m an avid Red Sox fan who grew up watching them during the summers I spent at my grandparents house. I’m told the only thing I say during games is “Come on Man-ny!”
My basement is filled with a fleet of 8 bicycles (currently), 4 fixed gears, 3 road, and one old mountain. I love riding, and go whenever I can, rain or shine, in the hot or extreme cold.
I’m a photo geek as well. My dad was a big Olympus fan, so I chose that brand to use all of the lenses that were around. I’m still relatively new to this, but try to get better with every picture I take. I now use a combination of an Olympus E-520, and my baby, my Nikon D700.
I’m using wordpress hopefully because it will make things easier for me, until I foolishly decide it’s time to break the cardinal sin, and develop my own blog from scratch.