Expression Engine

2007-08-19 2 min read Books Admin

I created a fresh installation and played around with it for a little while. Upon moving these WordPress posts over, it broke. Since I still had all of my pieces lined up, I removed everything and did a second fresh install. Posting broke that one too. I guess that I am going to have to actually watch the videos on the website to figure out what is going on. (I hate having to read the manual! I’d much rather just start playing with it.)

That being said, it did seem pretty nice. Looks like little pieces of html/css can be specified for each component you are placing on the page. True to their what I have heard, you can customize everything this way. The downside is it takes a lot of work and planning to customize EVERYTHING. Add to that the {template syntax} and it looks like quite a bit of work. We’ll see how much time I have given all of the other stuff I am working on.

I placed an order today and should receive $200 worth of books from amazon sometime soon. Programming, OOP, design, and typography, and that Microformats book. Those, and the other books sitting on my shelves waiting to be read should be more than enough light reading for a while.

blog software

2007-08-17 1 min read Baseball Admin

Upon seeing a few different write-ups in the last few days (that I stumbled upon without searching for), I think that I’m going to [already] change this blog software to ExpressionEngine, which I hear is the most customizable tool out there. It’s not that I am planning on doing crazy design things here, but I would like the chance. We’ll see what the programmer in me says when I see it.

I did find a tool called Symphony that sounds rather interesting, and it uses XSLTs for the backend (somehow). Since I have been learning XSLTs at work, I am probably going to give that a look as well. Plus I like the musical reference.

Was going to do this yesterday, but my sister got her hands on free Nationals tickets. Boring game until the 8th, when they hit 2 HRs (Dimitri Young was one!), but then stupid Kerns got caught off second on a fly ball to right. Way to go.


2007-08-15 1 min read Personal This Site Admin

So I got the domain, I got the hosting, and I have the blog. I just need a few hours (ha!) to design the site, and put the blog in it. Yea…

For the moment, I’ve decided to go with this theme… I like the yellow, and its fairly simple. Simple is good. I don’t like the long lines of text, but if you want something done right, gotta do it yourself.

More later!

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