Boring "I moved" post

2009-09-09 1 min read Personal Eddie

Summer was ending so I decided to move. Ok, not really, it was simply time.

I’ve moved back to my parent’s house in Laurel, MD… which is exceptionally close to Columbia, MD. I’ve moved into my parents house in an attempt to save some money, I want to clean it and restore it, while putting my would-be rent money into the property taxes here.

The move wasn’t difficult in and of itself, but tied with the work that needed (and still needs) to be done at the house, it has been quite an undertaking. I have so much to do it’s quite overwhelming.

All of that mess aside, I am looking forward to getting back to study.

Bad chain tool, bad

2009-08-12 1 min read Bikes Personal Eddie

Finally got the cranks on, the pedals on, the new 17 tooth cog on the old wheel that I re-tensioned and trued (well, partially trued at least), only to put the chain on with a broken chain tool. (I didn’t realize it was broken). So one of the bushings became bent, and on my ride home, I popped the chain. Tried to use alternate links to fix it, but they stuck (and ended up with only slightly bent bushings). So a new chain it is for me, unfortunately.

Snapshot of right now

2008-10-08 1 min read Personal Eddie

Oct. 8, 2009 – 12:32am

Right now I’m…

Sitting on my bed reading the Fannie Farmer Cookbook (my favorite) on how to bake a 9.25lb ham. Page 201. Remembering how I tell everyone they can’t take it into the kitchen, because I don’t want it getting dirty.

Thinking about how I need a roasting pan, which I should have grabbed when I was in Laurel, picking up my new camera lens from UPS. Thinking about how I waited 45 minutes for it, when I probably should have had it re-delivered. Also thinking that the roasting pan may be too large for my oven here.

Listening to George Crumb’s Ancient Voices of Children. Wishing it drowned out more of “The Shield,” the program my roommates are watching/listening to. Thinking how much I like Ancient Voices of Children, despite how weird some of the sounds are.

Finished taking a few play photos with the new lens. Posted them to flickr. Wondering if every good lens makes it this easy, which should I purchase next? Thinking I made a good choice to start.

Wondering if I will have any clean sock pairs left for me to wear to work tomorrow.

Resisting falling asleep, so I can formally get ready for sleep instead.

it's about time

2008-03-27 2 min read Personal Programming Web Eddie

I have no time for anything!

This is how I usually feel. There are so many things in the world that I want to do/know about, and yet they all take time to do/learn. I don’t have any big to-dos that eat large chunks of my time either… I work, I have my orchestra, I eat, and I relax. I try to use relaxation time for learning/discovery (when I can, of course). It is just very hard. I haven’t taken an analytical approach to the problem yet, but I think I should sometime soon (of course, that may take a while to get to.)

I don’t often rely on calendars, I may have to start. I don’t feel like people ‘rob’ me of time, but I think I should pay attention to that. And of course, I am always trying to make my learning/doing time more efficient (that’s the only thing I have down pat).

Ok, enough rant. Now just a little tip-of-the-hat to what I’ve missed recently… the FringeDC Meeting, the Refresh DC Happy Hour, the first Refresh Baltimore Meeting AND planning group, as well as my books, especially the Web Navigation, RESTful Services, Graph Theory, and Discrete Math books! (This is not to mention the projects I’d like to get started!)

Maybe I’ll just win the lottery. That may buy me some more time.


2007-12-31 1 min read Blog Personal This Site Eddie

The coolest part of having a website is seeing that people I’ve never met, from places I’ve never been, have looked at something I’ve done. For the last day of the year, I just want to list the places that have sent traffic to this website. I think this is really exciting, and really interesting. Thanks!

United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Belgium, Austria, Indonesia, France, Italy, Singapore, Brazil, Romania, India, Finland, Japan, Portugal, Poland, South Korea, Spain, China, Malaysia, Peru, Pakistan, Latvia, Lithuania, Iceland, Morocco, Serbia and Montenegro, Myanmar, Ukraine, Turkey, Thailand, Mexico, Slovenia.

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