Back on two wheels

January 8, 2008 2 min read Bethesda Bikes Eddie

I rode my bike to work today. It was the first time I had done that in an excruciatingly long time.

Everything in the world came up between. The weather over the last few days, however, has been so nice that I couldn’t resist any longer. So last night I put a new tube in the front wheel, and took the Lemond bike that wouldn’t kill me (39 x 17 lower fixed-gear ratio, shown to the left) rather than the one (my fav. Bianchi, 42 x 15) that was ready-to-go, but may have killed me.

It turns out that neither would have killed me. I made it up the rather stiff hill in front of NIH quite easily. Didn’t get to work gasping for air, feeling sore legs, anything. Really quite boring, come to think of it. But it was a great day to be outside. It’s too bad that the trip is so short as it wasn’t quite the work that I would like, but I can only take what’s given to me. The next day I have more time, I am going to venture around downtown Bethesda. Seems like a fairly bike-friendly town. I don’t really make New Year’s Resolutions, as they’re more birthday resolutions to me, but I am definitely going to ride more this year. Last year was a long string of mistakes. Beach road, here I come.

Not that I want to jinx this beautiful weather, but I have gloves, my head warmer and all the rest lined up for when it returns to normal January weather.

catching up

This is my appropriately named “catching up” post. As most know, I’ve moved over the last month. Despite my early action, I still had to do a lot of work at the end of the month. C’est la vie, that’s what moving is. Aside that, I’ve also been focused on various work related things (css, xslt, and the “portal” system), as well as the end of baseball’s regular season and the beginning of the post season.

On my list of things to touch in full… 1) Advanced DOM Scripting. I finished the book (a while ago) but haven’t had a chance to review it yet. At the risk of ruining the surprise for my one (hopefully) reader, it was teriffic, and I highly recommend it. I will do a full write-up later. 2) My comments on The Little Schemer. This is simply an amazing book that’s opened up a number of paths in my brain. I’m afraid that any review wouldn’t do it justice. Maybe some thoughts on the book everyone should read. 3) Random thoughts on Bethesda, Kensington, Rockville (my new home!), riding my bike again, the Tchaikovsky concert coming up, my xslt class coming up, my recent css exploits… as you can see, I’ve got a lot of things that I am thinking about, but nothing to put down on paper… yet. (Yes, I know, really, there is no paper… shut up!)

Contrast that with the time that I MUST spend with friends, and the potential Boston trip coming up… and I’ve got a lot to do!! Better get started. Washing my clothes now…